My Braces Brackets and Wires Are Broken, What Do I Do?
Posted on 8/22/2022 by Greater Charlotte Oral and Facial Surgery
Braces are essential tools for straightening bites. You wear braces for a stipulated length of time to move misaligned teeth to target positions. During the time you are getting braces treatment, you should make sure you follow the instructions a dentist provided you. Otherwise, your bite alignment appliances may not survive for long. Even so, the braces may get damaged and require repair or replacement.
What Causes Braces Breakages
Many things can damage your braces. Eating hard, sticky foods like nuts, kernels, and candies can break the braces. These foods have the force capable of pulling the brackets out of the tooth. You could also break the braces from a mouth injury or when you brush with a lot of force. Being rough while flossing or using a toothpick are other ways you could break your braces. Therefore, ensure you avoid these incidents.
Brackets are Broken, What Next?
If you have a wire breaking to an extent of poking parts of the mouth like the tongue, teeth, and gums, ensure you contact a dentist. As you wait for the appointment, you may want to relieve any pain you experience. Use an eraser or a pencil, and get the wire off the sensitive areas of the mouth. Orthodontic wax may also help when you use it to cover the part of the wire that is causing the poking. Avoid cutting the wire unless the dentist advises you to do so. Make sure you get to the dentist as soon as possible because it is a dental emergency.
Contact us today if you have received braces and are presenting problems or have become loose. Our dentist will check them to see how we can help. Sometimes, braces may need replacement if they are badly damaged. At other times, they may just require adjustment. Visit us today about braces and how to use them.
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